Sunday, 24 June 2012

What's QMEA?

Me posing with some of the awards :)
Hey, fellas!

As a UNITEN student, I knew UNITEN have won many awards throughout the years. Usually, I don't even care about what kind of awards that they have won. Not until i found out about this one award that they have won in 2009:

The Quality Management Excellence Award (QMEA)

At first, the only reason why this award caught my eyes is just because of the name of the award. Lol! But then I wanted to know more about this award then I started to ask Mr.Google and this is what I got.

In order to win this award, UNITEN is judged based on these criteria:
  1. Top management leadership and management of quality
  2. Use of quality data and information
  3. Human resource management
  4. Customer focus
  5. Quality assurance of external suppliers
  6. Process management
  7. Quality and operational/business results
UNITEN is also the first Malaysian university to receive the Quality Environment Certification from the Malaysia Productivity Corporation (MPC). Hmm, not bad right?

For me, this award will bring great impacts on the university. It is because this award will show the whole world that UNITEN is all about quality. Besides that, this will make companies out there to have the confidence and trust to make UNITEN graduates as their employees. For the future, parents will not hesitate to send their kids to study in UNITEN because it is recognised as a university that provide good quality education.

As for my last words, I really hope that UNITEN will always provide quality education to the people and keep generating professionals to the nation.

Congrats to UNITEN for winning the QMEA award!
Written By: Ahmad Amir bin Aminuddin

Well Improvement of UNITEN

Written by: Ahmad Hisyam Bin Rusli

An award will greatly boost an entire organisation to go better and better each day. Award will act as a reward to everyone who contribute in making the organisation works well and successfull.

Global views and satisfactory of customers is the recipe of a great company.

On November of 2010, UNITEN proved to be a organisations to quality, continous improvements, and customer satisfaction as well as improving relations with employees, suppliers and all those associated with the organisation after getting International Quality Crown (IQC) Award, Gold Categoryat the 22nd International Quality Crown Award 2010 in London on November 29, 2010.

This is the International Quality Crown (IQC) Award

UNITEN started to get attention of global and people when UNITEN receive the certification of Quality Environment (QE) and also National QE Award for the Open Category: Service Sector.

I know you guys would want to take a better look on the award, well here it is
The International Quality Crown
Well, it is undoubtedly IQC Award is a great award to prove that UNITEN is a great place for people and students. After winning this award on 2009, UNITEN is surely a place with great service, capabled staff and well educated students. With this award, UNITEN's reputation in global market is well known by others. We should be proud of UNITEN's achievement of making a great quality of organisation to serve the students and others.

Thank you for reading this post, hope you guys can support UNITEN to be a greater place.

Saturday, 23 June 2012

International Recognition

Written by : Syazril Izwan bin Ahmad

As you readers out there might be aware, Universiti Tenaga Nasional (a.k.a. Uniten) prestigious awards, from local to international, over the past 3 years. However, the one that got my attention is the International Standard Quality(ISQ) Award 2011. The award was presented to Yg. Berbahagia Dato Seri Prof. Mashkuri Yaacob(Vice Chancellor of Uniten) at a ceremony at the Shangri-La Hotel, Kuala Lumpur. Thus, Uniten has been bestowed the award for Quality College and University. Now you guys out there might be wondering, "Eh, so what?".

Well, just so you know, this particular award is given by the European Union Analysis Alliance(EUAA), an organization whose aim is to build an economic alliance with other nations, in this case ASEAN
countries. What this means is that Uniten has been recognized by the European Union as a top quality university not only in Malaysia but in other countries as well. This shows that despite being a private university (with strangely little recognition among local youths nowadays), Uniten has proved once again it has the potential to show itself to the world that it continues to generate quality education and well, professionals (pun intended : P) and hopefully will continue to do so for years to come.

This is Syazril, signing off.

Workers United

Written by : Dzahir Rashidi Bin Mohd Dzaki

 Awards,Awards,Awards. There are many award that UNITEN has achieved in recent years. But what I am about to say has something to do with UNITEN managements. in 2010, Uniten has acquired Prime Minister's Award for Industry Excellence. This is the Government's effort in recognising local companies who have displayed excellence in organization. Well this have been a great achievement to UNITEN because from a low ratings, to a professional level,recognised by the public. Well, a few things we could learn from this award. In order to achieved it, a high standard was set for the staff of UNITEN. That is why they won this award. Setting goals are probably one of the best example to maximise our efficiency and it can be used by students like us.

Prime Minister's Award

    To me this award has been a great example that the university has also generate professional towards the workers and not only to students. It shows that UNITEN has done some efforts in learning to be a productive in addition to active people-based company. What UNITEN had achieved with the award shows UNITEN management do care to their employees and set a higher bar to UNITEN management itself.

Friday, 22 June 2012

UNITEN - Trophies - Accolades (Overview)

UNITEN: Trophies - Accolades 

Hello there people, students and wanderer!

Trophies are like a reward for someone that won something like an event or completion and etc. It shows that who ever won a trophy is like the best of its ability.

So, UNITEN has won quite a few trophies around all these years. It shows what UNITEN is good in what it is.

These are some of the trophies or accolades that won by UNITEN, it is kept in a trophy case located in Admin  Ground level and Level 2 building. Actually there is more, but we cant seems got the chance to snap the photos.

Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Software Engineering

Written by: Syazril Izwan bin Ahmad

Hey people. On this little post I'll be talking about the course that I've taken in Uniten, and that is Software Engineering.

At first, I never knew what I've wanted to do in life. At first, I thought i wanted to be an mechanical engineer. But has the years passed, I've slowly lost interest. Thus, I was thrust once again into confusion. What do I want to do?

Then it hit me. It probably had to do with computers. Now it may sound silly, but I gained interest in the field because of gaming. As I learned about the inner workings of game developers (via Youtube, thanks to few well known Youtubers) my curiosity expanded to other types of software. Therefore here I am. In Software Engineering.

 Now if it's one thing I want to get straight with, is that anyone who is in taking any computing course(software engineering especially) will tell you that it is NOT easy. It's not just programming you have to take, but a lot of other subjects like Fundamentals of Software Engineering, System Analysis and Design and a whole lot more. Mind you, it ain't easy scoring these subjects!

However, luckily we do have lecturers who help make learning these subjects much less a bore. Just as long you not too shy about asking for help, then it should be no problem at all. Throughout my experience in Uniten, I'd say I have a fairly decent life, although this IS only my first year.
More challenges await ahead, my friends!

This is Syazril, signing off.

Monday, 18 June 2012

Futuristic Era, Futuristic Student

In this modern era of life, every thing that humans wanted to have must be in a great invention and style. In need of this, people who are in charge of inventing and making it possible must be really great in designing the future. Or should I say Graphics and Multimedia students.

UNITEN offers Bachelor of Graphics and Multimedia course to the students. But before getting to Bachelor of Graphics and Multimedia, students need to undergo a year of Foundation in Information of Technology or Foundation of Computer Science program.

It is more recommended to take Foundation of Information Technology if you wanted to get to Bachelor of Graphics and Multimedia, where Information Technology are more major in Graphics and Multimedia.

The cost of being a Bachelor of Graphics and Multimedia are not that high compared to other courses. The job prospect, it is highly wanted by most companies. As in modern era, every products require good and eye catching materials and colours in it. As a graphic and multimedia, this is their field of work.

As in this modern and futuristic era, a futuristic students are needed to build a better world. So, UNITEN offers a program that will make you the one who could change the world !

Come to UNITEN and take this challenge!

Sunday, 17 June 2012


Currently, I am doing my degree in Computer Science in UNITEN.

Why did I choose this course?

Okay, the main reason is because I would like to pursue my career as a game programmer. Therefore, I think taking this course would be perfect for me.

The study duration for this course is not that long. It is only 1+3 years. Which is 1 year for foundation and 3 years for degree. So yeah, I hope I can finish my study in the given duration. That means I can finish my study early and start working to earn some money! :D

The most important thing is all the courses offered in UNITEN meet all the requirements of the Malaysian Qualification Agency (MQA).

That's why I choose UNITEN as my university to further my study and hopefully I can pursue my dream job.


Bachelor In Information Technology

Information Technology or also known as Information System is one of the programs offered in UNITEN. The duration for this program is 1+3 years, one year foundation and three years for the degree. That is you choose to take the foundation programme in UNITEN. If you chose not to take foundation programme, you can still take the three years undergraduate degree course with at least nine semester or tri-semester because in one year there are three semesters. There are alot of career prospects one can have such as Web Master, Web Designer, Administrator, Project Manager, Lecturer, Network Administrator and the list goes on and on. To me, eventhough im taking a degree in Software Engineering, I still think that taking degree in Information System would still make me reach my goal in life(ambition) but I like challenges so that's why I chose to take Software Engineering. Goodbye ! =)

Saturday, 16 June 2012

UNITEN - Courses & Programmes

Hello readers! :)

In this post I'm going to provide you guys a little information about the courses and programmes that are currently being offered by UNITEN in Putrajaya Campus.

There are two colleges hosted by the Putrajaya Campus which are College of Engineering (CoE) and College of Information Technology (CoIT).

College of Engineering (CoE)

Foundation Programmes (Duration: 1 Year)
  • Foundation in Civil Engineering
  • Foundation in Electrical and Electronic Engineering
  • Foundation in Electrical Power Engineering
  • Foundation in Mechanical Engineering

Degree Programmes (Duration: 4 Years)
  • Bachelor of Civil Engineering (Hons)
  • Bachelor of Computer and Communication Engineering (Hons)
  • Bachelor of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Hons)
  • Bachelor of Electrical Power Engineering (Hons)
  • Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering (Hons)

Career Prospect
  • Civil Engineering
          Civil engineers will usually work at the construction site.They are usually involve in monitoring
          the designing and the building of structures such as airports, bridges, dams, roads, tunnels,
          water and sewage systems.
  • Computer and Communication Engineering
          Graduates from this course will have the chance to be Communication Engineer, Consulting
          Engineer, Design Engineer, Electronic System Engineer, Instrumentation and Control
          Engineer, Maintenance/Operation Engineer, Network Engineer, Project Engineer,
          Research/Test Engineer.
  • Electrical and Electronic Engineering
          For this course, the career prospect for them are Communication Engineer, Consulting
          Engineer, Design Engineer, Electrical/Electronic System Engineer, Instrumentation and
          Control Engineer, Maintenance/Operation Engineer, Manufacturing Engineer, Project Engineer,
          Research/Test Engineer.
  • Electrical Power Engineering
          The graduates can pursue their career in a wide range of areas in industries such as
          aerospace, automotive, chemicals processing, electricity supply, petroleum.
  • Mechanical Engineering
          As for graduates from Mechanical Engineering course, they can get involve in industries such
          as aeronautical, automobile, biotechnology, cement, drilling and mining, hydraulics,
          manufacturing, petroleum, power sector, steel.

Tuition fees
  • Foundation Program  : RM13,000
  • Degree Program        : RM55,235

College of Information Technology (CoIT)

Foundation Programmes (Duration: 1 Year)
  • Foundation in Computer Science
  • Foundation in Information Technology

Degree Programmes (Duration: 3 Years)
  • Bachelor of Computer Science (Software Engineering) (Hons)
  • Bachelor of Computer Science (Systems and Networking) (Hons)
  • Bachelor of Information Technology (Graphics and Multimedia) (Hons)
  • Bachelor of Information Technology (Information Systems) (Hons)

Career Prospect
Graduates from the CoIT have the opportunity to pursue their career in many ICT paths such as Administrator, Computer Scientist, Database Designer, Lecturer, Network Administrator, Programmer, Project Manager, Software Engineer, System Analyst, System Designer, Web Master, Web Designer.

Tuition fees
  • Foundation Program  : RM11,500
  • Degree Program        : Computer Science         - RM44,000
                                          Information Technology  - RM40,000 

All these information are gathered from their official website. If you need to know more information about UNITEN, please click the link here:

I guess that's all for this post. For the readers out there who are thinking to further your studies in UNITEN, I hope the information up there will help you make up your mind on which course you would like to choose to pursue your career.

Thank you and have a nice day! :)

Friday, 15 June 2012


Hey there folks! This blog right here will showcase some of  great things about Universiti Tenaga Nasional(Uniten). Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments of our future posts, starting this weekend.  Our little crew consists of four members, Syazril (that's me), Dzahir, Amir and Hisyam.
Hope you guys enjoy it! : )