Thursday, 19 July 2012

I think missed out a semicolon...

Written by: Syazril Izwan bin Ahmad

No university is complete without computer labs for students interested in the field of IT. Uniten is no exception. In fact, we got two separate places where we have computer labs!

There's one at the College of Engineering (CoE), housed within the building called the Information Technology and Multimedia Services (ITMS). Unfortunately I didn't have the time to head over there to take photos. Anyway, for most engineering students, they'll be taking some basic programming/computing lab subjects and this is where they'll be spending their lessons. But what about the IT and CS(Computer Science) students?

An ordinary day in the computer lab
Well that's easy really, since the other place to have computer labs is of course is in the College of Information Technology(CoIT)! (Where else did you expect?) We have 2 floors housing the computer labs, level 3 and level 4. So it is here that you'll be seeing students everyday having lab sessions for their respective computing subjects, whether it's programming, statistics for computing, or web programming.

Amir and Hisyam
That's not all. This is where the subject registration and add-and-drop sessions for the next semester will be held, thanks to the numerous amount of computers available here (in comparison to ITMS). It's no surprise during the first two weeks of a new semester to see students flocking in and out of the 3rd and 4th floors, frantically going about their business.

I guess I should also mention that the computers we have are (almost) entirely up-to-date, with all the latest tools and software available to keep students updated with the latest tech.

This is Syazril, signing off.

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